High Vibe Women - Heart Library



Jennifer Beitz

Being a highly sensitive person I was very emotional as a teenager. My mom didn't know how to handle me. I didn't know how to handle me! I acted out because I was resisting what everyone was trying to shove down my throat about who I should be. I grew up in a blended family. I lost my voice and it's taken me many years to claw myself out of that emotional state.


Steena Marie

When a woman risks her life to birth her children, what she unconsciously expects in return is that the man will risk his life to protect and provide for them. This happens on an emotional level more so than a financial level. Although the financial and practical piece for me was a huge part of making it through the early years of exhaustion, nursing, and new motherhood. 


Alexandra Enke

I am at my very best when I follow my genius, my light, which is destined to create a positive impact in the world. When I am doing this, I can support others to ignite their genius as well. Every time I ask myself, “Does this activity, project or opportunity allow me to live in my zone of genius?” the answer creates a well lit pathway for me. I ask questions and trust the answers.


Author Jennifer Beitz

I also raised a highly sensitive child who had a lot of emotional reactions. Those beginning years with my kids, I did not knock it out of the park. It's taken me until now, along with a great deal of self work, to recognize how I was repeating a familial pattern. Growing up I was taught to put others' needs before my own. I wrote this book in order to inspire women to take back their power and own their success.

Author Alexnadra Enke

Life is happening in waves. We experience ups and downs. The gift of life lies in the embrace of it all - the light and the darkness. We are born into this world with our genetic imprint and our genetic light. Then all of the experiences we have and things that happen to us are additional patterns that make us unique. They also give us our unique message and genius.

Author Steena Marie

Everything changed in my life when I saw that I'd been the overparent in my family dynamic with my husband, and he was being the underparent. This dynamic had kept me from being fully present with our kids. All of my energy had gone to focusing on parenting him so he was able to parent. If I hadn't done that, he would not have handled them well and life would have been even more chaotic.



Chelle Shapiro

This past year has really been about transformation with me unleashing my voice and leaving a job after 13 years. I was in a very toxic environment and I wasn't going anywhere but down. I was burnt out and sick, both physically and mentally. I didn't have any boundaries in place or know what they even looked like. I didn’t stand up for myself, take care of myself or do anything to get me out of that situation.


Jenny Landgren

Life isn't about perfection, it's about growth, discovery, and understanding that I am on this path with everyone else in the world. Every time I meet a person, it's not from a place of competition. It's a place to discover more about myself and to find unity with another. I didn't use to think that way. This mindset shift has been a huge transformation in my life. The way I view myself and others, and the peace of mind that I am sensing is delicious.


Dorrit Karlsen

My story started about nine years ago when I got burned out from having five kids and working seven days a week. I was taking care of a pet shop doing everything including heavy lifting, inventory, and all of the ordering. I was the only employee and I was exhausted. I also had kids in three different schools, a husband, a big house, and three dogs. My attitude was I can do this, this, this, and of course I can even do that. I was such a people pleaser.

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Author Chelle Shapiro

When I finally had the courage to leave, it was a very defining moment of releasing my deeply rooted feelings of people pleasing and silencing myself. I finally realized that I don't have to do for other people in order to find my happiness. I can do things for myself. It's okay to do things for myself, and it's okay to take a break. It's also okay to say no to other people. It's not a selfish thing. In fact, it's perfectly okay to be selfish for yourself. I know you’ll enjoy my story.

Author Jenny Landgren

In a world of diversity and rapid ongoing change, fear of what is different and new may easily divide us. I welcome you as a leader and human being to spend some time with me in this book. As we explore our positive choices in choosing unity and a deeper sense of belonging, we benefit both people and profit. Life is not a journey of perfection, it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. A person's vulnerability is a gift, let's treat it as such!

Author Dorrit Karlsen

I ended up in a hospital bed in fetal position crying for two weeks and I was so ill I couldn’t work for 7 years. I was merely existing. Finding just the right resources, I was able to turn my health and emotional state around. I enjoy breeding Basenjis. You have an animal that looks like a dog, acts like a cat, runs like an Arabian horse, eats grass like a sheep, jumps like a goat, behaves like a monkey, and communicates like a four year old. They are not a breed for everyone.